Eugene and Lydia Herman Family Fund
Jim and Ellen Campbell, along with Ellen's parents, established the Eugene and Lydia Herman Family Fund to benefit Strawberry Fields. Jim and Ellen Campbell feel a deep connection to Centre Foundation because it has been a great help to their eldest son Matt, who has a developmental disability. "He has always been supported by this community, and he has needed the help. We can pay it back and assist other people at the same time," said Jim. "We see Centre Foundation as a portrait of our community. Its depth and breadth is phenomenal." Ellen agreed: "For me, it is the very best kind of long-term investment anyone can make in a place. We both grew up here and feel a responsibility to our neighbors and friends." Strawberry Fields, Inc. is committed to enhancing the quality of life and promoting the individual growth of the individuals they serve. Regardless of background and ability, they strive to assist each individual to grow, make choices, and be a valued and contributing member of our community.
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Eugene and Lydia Herman Family Fund
Enhancing quality of life and promoting individual growth of people with disabilities