ClearWater Conservancy Conservation Easement Stewardship Fund
This fund supports the ongoing operations and programming for ClearWater Conservancy of Central Pennsylvania, Inc., a Centre County based land trust and natural resource conservation organization formed in 1980. Their mission is to promote conservation and restoration of natural resources in Central Pennsylvania through land conservation, water resource protection, and environmental outreach to the community. This fund was created by an anonymous donor to support Clearwater's work with conservation easements. ClearWater Conservancy currently protects over 525 acres of land in Centre County with conservation easements. This fund will give ClearWater the financial resources to carry out its easement monitoring, communication and legal responsibilities. Open space is a valuable asset in Centre County, and its conservation is the legacy that Clear Water Conservancy would like to leave to the community.
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ClearWater Conservancy Conservation Easement Stewardship Fund
Preserving and protecting Central Pennsylvania's natural open spaces