Leon R. and Elizabeth M. Kneebone Fund
Leon Kneebone is retired from Penn State as Professor Emeritus of Botany and Plant Pathology and has spent many years and countless hours volunteering for United Way. Libby has been an active volunteer and served in leadership positions for State College Meals on Wheels, the State College Women's Club, and the Methodist Church. To honor Leon's dedication, The Leon Kneebone Award is presented each year by Centre County United Way in recognition of his 44 years of continuous service as a volunteer, including chairing six different UW standing committees. This fund supports the operations and programs of Centre County United Way. Their mission is to improve lives by prioritizing needs and mobilizing human and financial resources to positively impact the education, financial stability, and physical and emotional health of our neighbors.
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Leon R. and Elizabeth M. Kneebone Fund
Mobilizing resources to provide a saftey net for all community residents